Lewis –
I purchased this item a few months ago and wanted to give enough time before passing judgment on the purchase. First, the item is solid and very well thought out. It targets the areas very effectively. Also, it has a very small footprint, which makes it even better for small workout areas. Simply put, the machine provides adequate resistance and that’s what it was designed to do.In addition, the company is top notch, in my experience. I encountered an issue early on with my purchase (through no fault of the company), and the company went above and beyond to exceed my expectations in addressing the issue. I would HIGHLY recommend this item to anyone looking to add a unique, high quality piece of resistance equipment to their workout arsenal!
I honestly don’t know where to start. There are so many honest things that I’m going to say about both The Company and Their Equipment. Both are Excellent!Mike- Go Fitness is so considerate in every way! No, I’m not getting paid to sponsor this company nor their product. I’m just a verified customer, who now has various Resistant Pound Super Pushdown Bars from GoFitness (I absolutely love their Equipment!)To get into these items:PROS: 1. You will get great workouts from these! Especially, when you use them correctly! 2. They are Engineered very well! They are very sturdy! They will last for quite a while for sure! 3. The exercises you can perform with these are multiple! A variety of muscles on your upper body and your abs, shoulders, chest, back and arms, Etc… can be developed with this Equipment!CONS: There are none at all.Mike- Go Fitness.. As long as I’ve been on Amazon- Which goes back some years. I’ve honestly never came across any Seller like Mike. His Business Model: His Moral and Ethics are Supreme! He really puts his heart and his soul into making sure that his customers are satisfied. He will even sacrifice! Just to make it happen! He is such a Sincere Minded Vessel. I simply haven’t encountered any other Seller like him before. This is the unadulterated Truth! I’m going to be suggesting this item to other people.Attention: Anyone whose reading this review: I assure you, that investing in this equipment will be well worth your money and your time. Your body will appreciate it!I’ve Pushdown Bars from two other Companies/Sellers. And I’ll sincerily say this: Their Equipment is ok. I don’t at all knock them. But in truth, they aren’t the premium quality of GoFitness SuperPushDown Bars.The springs on those by other companies seem to be lesser in quality when using them.GoFitness made their springs Premium Quality on theirs. Also, GoFitness sends their Equipment in nice boxes that show People on them using their PushDown Bars in various exercising positions. On their boxes, you can also see the various parts of the body that it helps to sculpt on it.The other companies just send theirs in a plain box. You take the equipment out and that is it.Also, GoFitness–Sends you a workout pad with their Equipment! With that pad- It allows you to do ab work, Etc…There are honestly so many perks that come with purchasing from GoFitness… You can’t at all go wrong.I highly recommend this product!!! I’m so glad that I now have Several… I give much thanks to Mike!He has gracefully resolved any situation that I had questions about.I hope and pray that his business flourishes!!! He/his company is well deserving of it!!!I know that he will! Because, of how Sincere and Upfront that he is as a Sincere and Honest Business Man!!!He will be blessed! Because of how he is by his actions! The Universal Laws of Cause N Effect are going to Bless him with having a lot of success! Not only in this Business, but in other areas of his life too.Please do yourselves a favor! Purchase this Equipment from GoFitness! You will not regret it’s many benefits! that will come from using it! I guarantee you!Thank you so much GoFitness!!!P.S. I wish that I could give him a 100 Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐But giving 5 is only allowed.
Clifford Alfred Conklin III –
This is a decent workout gizmo. Provides a good pump in the chest and in the upper arms and shoulders. It’s solid and sturdy enough for its intended use. That being said for the price this device should have a little higher grade molded plastic on it and should not make as much noise as it does when compressing it. Not a huge deal breaker just a few things to consider before spending 80 dollars for the strongman version(90lbs). It does not provide as much of a mind to muscle connection as power twister bars but does have another way of activating the muscles differently imo. All in all I like it but probably wouldn’t of bought it out of my own pocket if I didn’t have the reward points to cover the cost.
Amazon Customer –
Very helpful in maintaining and improving my health and gaining me some muscles! :)And it’s very portable, very convenient! I just leave it on my loveseat to exercise anytime I feel like doing it, in the morning or evening, depending on the schedule of my day.
David Bishop –
I see it working with time but it’s a big cumbersome unless you have really long arms and giant hands.
Gilbert L Leiendecker Jr –
I bought this product primarily for pectoral workouts because it replicates the compression function of pec fly machines in the typical gym environment. But I also found the product to be useful for abdominal crutches as well. Those exercises are the most important to me because, as an 80 year old senior, I want to maintain upper body tone even though building muscle at my age is quite difficult. There are numerous other exercises that can also be done with this device. It fits nicely in the bottom of a suitcase so vacation workouts are possible. The device is well made, and I really like the smooth compression of the two springs that provide resistance. I think it is possible to start with low resistance and then step it up as strength improves. Mike at GoFitness provides great customer service and is always interested in suggestions. I think his company will continue to innovate and market similar devices that the home workout enthusiasts will enjoy using to avoid the cost and travel time needed for a gym membership.
W. Schankweiler –
Hätte ich nicht erwartet…
Vorab: Ich bin wirklich begeistert von dem “Teil”.Vielseitig einsetzbares Gerät, um hier vorrangig Muskulatur am Oberkörper aufzubauen. Dank der wirklich sehr kompakten Bauform kann es schnell und platzsparend verstaut werden und erlaubt effektives Training auch bei schlechten Platzverhältnissen bei sich in der Wohnung.Was ich auch positiv hervorheben möchte, ist die Art und Weise, wie hier der Widerstand erzeugt wird. Dank es Federmechanismus (Kompressionstechnik), der im stabilen Rahmen untergebracht ist, besteht gegenüber z.B. normalen Gummibändern nicht die Gefahr, dass etwas rausrutscht / rausschnellt oder reißt und dadurch Verletzungen entstehen. Das Geräusch der Feder ist für den ein oder anderen sicherlich gewöhnungsbedürftig, ist aber schnell vergessen.Ich benutzte das Trainingsgerät überwiegend für Bizeps und Trizeps und Brustübungen in Ergänzung zum Rudertraining. Mit dabei ist ein Trainingsplan und eine Anleitung der Übungen für den Oberkörper. Alles gut erklärt, sodass man sofort loslegen kann. Einzig die beiliegende Unterlage, die bei bestimmten Übungen den Druck auf den Körper reduzieren soll, ist etwas dünn und könnte etwas dicker sein. Vielleicht bin ich da auch etwas empfindlich :-)Wer also auf der Suche nach einem kleinen, aber dennoch die Kraft herausfordernden Gerät für zuhause ist und keinen Platz oder kein Geld für Hanteln, Hantelbank usw. hat bzw. ausgegeben möchte, kann ich es absolut empfehlen. Kraftaufbau ist damit definitiv möglich.Last but not Least: Bei Fragen zum Produkt reagiert der Support extrem schnell und ist auch sehr hilfsbereit.
Client d’Amazon –
Appareil génial
Excellent appareil très pratique, simple à l’utilisation, qui permet un entraînement efficace. J’ai commandé sans connaître les différentes formes. Mon modèle (40 kgs) va bien mais jusqu’à un certain point et comme j’aimerais forcer un peu plus, je pense que le modèle de force supérieure (à résistance de 50 kgs) me conviendrait mieux, dois-je changer ou rester avec le modèle 40 ? Merci de vos conseils.Claude
Rafael –
Muy buena barra
Funciona a la perfección, buena calidad, bien explicado y con un soporte que contesta en menos de 24 horas y da soluciones.
Marino Massari –
Puntualità nella consegna, qualità e cordialità e disponibilità del venditore
Sono un ex abituale frequentatore delle palestre, dopo il covid ho deciso di allenarmi in casa ed avevo bisogno di qualcosa da associare al tapis roulant per mantenere il tono muscolare. Devo dire che sono pienamente soddisfatto, si possono allenare diversi gruppi muscolari con un singolo attrezzo senza ingombro. Avevo ordinato la versione da 30 kg e, quando ho fatto presente al venditore che forse avrei fatto meglio, almeno inizialmente, ad ordinare quella da 20 kg, lo stesso me ne ha spedito uno nuovo senza chiedere la restituzione del precedente. Davvero utilissimo così perché ci sono esercizi dove è preferibile usare i 30 kg, altri il 20 kg. Lo consiglio!